LECO Instruments (Thailand) Ltd.
Booth No. 4C01
LECO Corporation is a leader in instrument innovation and offers a diversified range of advanced analytical instruments. For example, CHN determination for determining protein in food or inorganic materials, a thermal analysis instrument (AC600 Calorimeter) for determining the calorific value of various organic materials, a sulfur analysis instrument for inorganic samples, and a state-of-the-art mass spectrometer, GCXGC-TOFMS with thermal modulator, for analyzing volatile compounds in complex mixture samples such as waste, environment, Petroleum, and fuel samples, etc. Moreover, our thermal gravimetrics for measuring moisture and ash (TGM800 and TGA801) are industry leaders in every field. LECO is dedicated to enhancing the user experience by offering training and service that keep your instruments in top working order and access to friendly service and support that will empower your laboratory for success.

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The LECO AC600 Hi-Speed Calorimeter provides fast and accurate calorific results for various organic materials, including coal, coke, fuel oils, and waste materials. Its unique design combines advanced hardware and software technology with automation and increased instrument throughput without sacrificing accuracy or instrument precision.



The BTX is Gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry which can both use in GC-TOFMS and GCxGC-TOFMS mode. The instrument is used in many industries field ex. Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Food safety, and other.



FP828 Macro Combustion Analysis for Nitrogen, and Protein Determinator

The FP828 delivers fast, accurate, and precise detection of nitrogen/protein in a wide range of food, feed, and other organic matrices, with an analysis cycle time of 2.8 minutes. By incorporating state-of-the-art hardware and an on-board, touch-screen software platform, the 828 Series allows you to easily handle a wide range of sample applications. The FP828 Performance model (FP828P) offers an extended lower nitrogen range and the flexibility of a dual loop aliquot dose. The core capabilities and performance of previous generations of LECO macro combustion instruments have been maintained, while key improvements have been made in throughput, uptime, and reliability.

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